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PM e-VIDYA are DTH channels by the Govt that benefit students even in the remotest areas where stable internet is not available. These channels broadcast curriculum-based educational content.

It is a matter of immense pleasure and excitement to share that our flagship program TTT and AlcheMe is relayed on PM e-VIDYA channels in Haryana, Chandigarh, Rajasthan from 1st September’23 and a few other states will soon follow. This is an opportunity to reach vast and diverse audiences across the nation. The programs have garnered significant attention and appreciation from the Education Departments of several states for the unique aspects of the program to transform children through awareness of life skills.

Our team works closely with the PM e-VIDYA team and relevant state authorities to coordinate broadcast schedules. The episodes of TTT and AlcheMe are relayed every day and repeated several times a day.