Aparajitha Foundations is the CSR
With the objective of supporting the less privileged, mainly in terms of education and health. The Group’s 18-year-old flagship company, Aparajitha Corporate Services Limited, is headquartered at Madurai. The company was built on the shoulders of people from non-metropolitan areas. The euphoria of being part of a successful company did wonders for the self-esteem of not only the leadership team but also the staff.
In its formative years, the Foundation mainly sought to support social causes like the education of underprivileged, financial help for medical needs and administrative support of old age homes and orphanages.

To support students in realizing their full potential and have a holistic approach to life by giving them an exposure to skills that are extremely important in life but not covered by the regular curriculum.

The trust focuses on ‘transformational changes’ to build a stronger community as against transactional changes which may or may not end in long-term benefits for the society.

There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to
make a living and the other how to live.
– James Truslow Adams

Life is full of choices, decisions to be made, goals to be met,
plans to be designed, altered and adhered to.
Regular schools since time immemorial have been struggling to strike a balance between the two types of education. We at Aparajitha Foundations chose to focus on the latter and began with the conviction that we can bring about a transformational change in youngsters keeping in mind what Leo F. Buscaglia said, “It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.”
Our flagship initiative Thalir Thiran Thittam was originally conceived as a programme for students in Tamil Nadu. But when our earnest desire to reach the benefits of this programme to other parts of India came into action, it has been a resounding success in its avatar as Tim Tim Tara. There is a tremendous response from Teachers, Parents and the Students as well when they realized the potential and value of the lessons in building a holistic approach to life.
Aparajitha shall forge ahead with its efforts to make a difference in the life and education of children.
Bharath KS
Managing Trustee