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Our flagship program TTT (Tim Tim Tare in Hindi belt) has been influencing and transforming lives of millions of children since over a decade starting from Tamil Nadu to the states in Western and Northern India. The fact that the program has been successfully running since more than a decade depicts its impact and effect.

TTT has been present in the eastern states of Bihar Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh too since last few years. It is a great occasion that the Govt of Chhattisgarh has decided to implement TTT in the entire state and first to sign the MOU in the eastern belt. The MOU was signed by Mr. Rajesh Singh Rana,I.A.S, the Director SCERT, on the 6th Sept,2022

The MOU heralds a strong footing just not in CG but in other states in the region as well

Mr. Rajesh Singh Rana, I.A.S, the Director SCERT, Mr. T.A.Padmanabhan - Head Education Initiatives, Ms. Roonam Kaushik- National Manager Reach and Implementation & Mr. Anand Saraswat- Senior Officer, SCERT

Mr. Rajesh Singh Rana, I.A.S, the Director SCERT, Mr. T.A.Padmanabhan - Head Education Initiatives,Ms. Shilpa, State Head – CG & Mr. Anand Saraswat- Senior Officer, SCERT

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