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MOU signed with Uttarakhand Government

TTT spreads wings to yet another state Uttarakhand. On 24th December’21 MOU was signed between Aparajitha Foundations and Uttarakhand Education Department. Mr.Bansidhar Tiwari ,State Project Director SSA and Mr.T.A.Padmanabhan of Aparajitha Foundations signed the MoU. The project will start immediately with a pilot project in 500 government inter colleges in the first phase which will extend to others later.

Mr.Tiwari appreciated the activities and the impact of the Foundation’s TTT program and mentioned “This will bring a large scale impact in the state schools”

The program will be implemented from class 1 to 12 .

Leading Newspapers had covered the event with details of the MoU signed.

Mr. Banshidhar Tiwari, SPD – Education Dept of Uttarakhand, Mr. T.A. Padmanabhan,,Head – Education Initiatives, Ms. Roonam Kaushik , National Manager – Implementation and Reach, Mr. B.P. Manduali, Administrative officer of the department. Mr.Mukul Sati -Upper SPD, Mr, Atresh Syana -Pedagogy Samagra Siksha.

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