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In Himachal Pradesh, 1360 DVDs of TTT topics were distributed to 101 BRCs in 8 districts by the District Representatives of Aparajitha Foundations between 11th October 2019 and 17th November 2019. The districts covered were Hamirpur, Kangra, Kullu, Sirmour, Shimla, Solan, Bilaspur and Mandi.

A detailed presentation about running TTT lessons and using the TTT App for giving feedback was given and the DVDs were distributed for ICT schools to the BRCs. These BRCs will further impart training to the teachers concerned under their block and hand over the DVDs. They will get the school profile forms filled from the respective schools and return them to the district representatives of Aparajitha for maintaining complete data and following up with the schools.

Aparajitha Representative imparting training.

BRCCs During TTT App Awareness.

BRCCs attending TTT Session.

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