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Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Government of Haryana and Aparajitha Foundation and the efforts of Mr Rajiv Rattan, Director of Secondary Education, Assistant Directors Mr Nand Kishore Varma and Mr Kuldeep Mehta, Programme Officers Mr Pramod Kumar and Ms Priyanka, Thalir Thiran Thittam’s Hindi version Tim Tim Tare has been implemented over the last two months in 244 schools. Efforts are also on to expand it to many more schools. To ensure proper implementation, training on life skills education and Tim Tim Tare was provided to teachers from 160 schools in Ambala on Dec 11, 12 and 13, 2017; and teachers from 84 schools in Panchkula on Dec 21 and 22, 2017. Similar training will be provided to teachers in other districts in the near future. Direct relay across 14000 schools for as many as 2.5 L plus students, at one, go across the state. Two live telecast and the program topics were respecting others property and avoiding wastage respectively.

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